
Sunday, December 2, 2012


Honest, emotional brokenness is a state where our hearts are fully exposed, naked, and vulnerable, where we can no longer find the strength within ourselves, but must seek outwards to God and to community. Brokenness is a state of humility and complete humanness as you sit in your messiness. Painfully beautiful because the armour of protection that we have erected to harden the exterior shell of our hearts has been penetrated to show that we can still feel and bleed. It allows us to trust in God rather than in our own capacity because we have found ourselves in the dark abyss of the well we have fallen into with no way out, only finding ourselves looking up into the light as God reaches to our rescue. In this honest brokenness, our masks begin to peel off and we look at ourselves truthfully. There is no energy for false portrayals, only realness, struggles, weaknesses, and tears as we cry out with childlike hearts to our Daddy to rescue us.
God’s love and grace in moments of emotional brokenness reveal the beauty of His heart. He calls us to a higher place of worship. It is in the wrestling and struggling, in the vulnerability and surrender, where we find our identity in Christ. It is where we learn to love others and sit with them where they are. We are not annoyed because they are not where we want them to be, but are perfectly content in walking at their pace with them as God has with us. We learn to accept their messiness because we realize our messiness is the same. “Every human being on earth, regardless of their gifts and strengths, is weak, vulnerable, and dependent on God and others” (Scazzero, 2006, p. 34). Being broken calls us to a higher calling of love because Christ pours an abundance of His love over us. “By failing to let others be themselves before God and move at their own pace, we inevitably project onto them our own discomfort with their choice to live life differently than we do” (Scazzero, 2006, p.37).