
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving Thankfulness and Danke schön's!

There is so much to be thankful for that my list can go on forever! The one thing I am the most thankful for is for having such a gracious God that hasn't given up on me. After all my mistakes, betrayals, and even anger with him He still calls me His daughter. When I haven't wanted to hear from Him, He's laid out messages before me with all the things I've needed to hear. Us girls love being chased. Why else would there be so many cartoons and romantic movies of the guy pursuing the girl or the prince rescuing his princess. We have a God who chases after us even when our hearts are rebellious, who pursues us when we run away. My mind cannot fathom such a wonderful God. I am thankful that He would want someone like me who's made so many mistakes. Often I tell myself I am  not worthy of His love, which I am not, but He loves me anyways! There are not enough words to say how thankful I am to God for that.
I am thankful that I have such an amazing husband and family. My family has been so supportive of me when I went through a really rough patch of depression. They stood by my side and never looked down on me. By family I mean my husband, parents and in-laws. I am so thankful that God has blessed me with such a strong support net. I don't want to get too into this right now, perhaps God will lead me to share a bit about it some other time, but I am so so so thankful for my family! I don't know what I would do without them!

I am thankful for blogs and youtube. Sounds kind of weird but it's true. I was able to watch so many inspiring people on youtube such as Kandee who truly helped me get out of the depression as well. That woman has been through so much in her life but you would never know it unless you heard her story. She is a bundle of joy who emanates God's love and strength. She helped me become stronger and she probably has no idea how much she's impacted me. As well reading people's blogs and stories and joys have just helped me see everything in a whole new light again :D Thank you guys so much!! What you write really does matter, probably more than you know!

I'm thankful for so much like life, a roof over my head, food, clothes, the list can go on.
 I'm thankful for Thanksgiving, it makes you really sit down and think of all the things we take for granted throughout the year and open our eyes to how blessed we truly are.

What are you thankful for this year?


  1. what a great testimony you have to be able to share how with God's help and the love of your family you were able to overcome your depression. i feel like this is something a lot of people in the church go through but feel shame over, but so cool that you have the opportunity to minister to people through your experience.

    i already wrote my thankful list, but i am so thankful for coming across your blog. so inspiring :).

  2. thank you for sharing this. i agree with you about other's blogs. i have found some that have really helped as well. its another way of connecting and realizing many of us go through the same things, most people are too ashamed of mentioning. we are all human and we are all god's children. thank you for reminding me of his love, sometimes we need help with that too.

  3. lauren: thank you so much! I read your thankful list and it was an awesome list :D

    violet bella: it's amazing how we can connect with people we've never met before. To be honest, I was ashamed of mentioning any problems before, but I think God has humbled me with that. Plus I want to help other people who are out there going through what I did. It makes you feel so alone and weird, and it's just a lie. We always need a reminder of His love, it's so easy for us to get distracted.

    both your words meant so much to me. :)

  4. I'm thankful my grandmother is still alive. Personally, I don't believe in God anymore, but even I can't deny miracles. I admire your faith.

  5. April: I'm glad you have your grandma :D did you get to spend thanksgiving with her??
